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"A church with the heart of Christ striving to reach others." Luke 19:10.

About Us

The Little Canaan Baptist Church was organized in 1894 by Rev. H. C. Cotton, the 2nd President of the Louisiana Southern Baptist Association of the Fifth district. The first church had seven members. Their names were: Gasper Vincent, Fred Joseph, Nelson Coner, Moses Reed, William Joseph, Nato Lewis and John Pugh.

Rev. Alfred Murrell was the 1st pastor of the church. He was pastor from 1894 to 1939. In 1939, Rev Murrel heard the voice of God and transitioned from labor to rest. In 1942 the congregation looked among itself and elected Rev. Claudy Jones as its 2nd pastor. He made tremendous progress in the years he served as pastor. All debts were paid-off. The membership increased and the church was newly built. The officers who served under the administration of Rev. Jones were Emile Patterson, James Watkins, Gilbert Dupaty, Fred Lee, Willie Johnson, Paul Worley, and Alvin Joseph.

In 1948, the church was again without a pastor, so the church elected Rev. Earl Ellis as its 3rd pastor. Under Rev.Ellis’s leadership, a parsonage was built, two rooms were added to the church and a piano was purchased. The committee members for the new church were: Alvin Joseph, Gilbert Dupaty, Melvin Davis, David Carr, Sr., Freddie Davis, Jr., and Joe Akins. As a result of significant wind damage from a storm, the church was once again built in 1964. In 1967 Rev. Ellis’ seat was vacant, but the church kept going. In 1967 the cornerstone was laid under the direction of Rev. A. C. Daniel, President of the Fifth District.

Rev. Arthur Taylor was elected as the 4th pastor of the Canaan Baptist Church on September 23, 1968. Under his administration, the church put in new pews, air conditioning, a new organ, paved the walkways, carpeted and repaired the parsonage, purchased kitchen utensils, furnished the dining room and a new sound system. In 1971 the late Sister Ethel Carr donated a water cooler in memory of her husband, Brother David Carr, Sr.

In July 1986 the Canaan Baptist Church was again without a pastor. On Sunday, October 12, 1986, Rev. McCullen Williams became the 5th pastor. The Canaan Baptist Church made many strides forward under his administration. A van was purchased and property adjacent to the church, organized a scholarship fund, improved VBS, Bible Class, and received a new organ as a gift. In December 1996, the church was without a pastor again. However, the church continued its faithful Christian journey under the leadership of Rev. Miller Blackwell, a dutiful and faithful servant for nine months.

Rev. Douglas Pierre was elected as the 6th pastor of the Canaan Baptist Church in August 1997. Under his administration, we beautified the church in many ways. Flowers, chandeliers,new carpet, pews, the church covenant, the model prayer, and organ were put in the church. The membership grew and the youth ministry and junior choir were strengthened. At the conclusion of Rev. Pierre’s administration, the associated ministers (Troy Fair and Jerome Ausbrooks) along with Rev Albert Adams of the Virginia Baptist Church.

The church continued to pray for God to send a pastor after His own heart. He heard our cry!  On Friday, November 17, 2006 Rev. Ervin Antoine became the 7th pastor of the Canaan Baptist Church. Under his administration the church continues to move forward. The worship service, Sunday school, and Bible class are truly a blessing to behold. A street ministry (Evangelism) was implemented to fulfill God’s command in Matt 28:18-20, and increased membership through discipleship.  A new van was purchased, a new outreach ministry building was purchased also (Canaan Outreach Center of Hope). The Outreach ministry includes student tutoring, individual and family counseling and youth ministry functions. A tract of land was purchased adjacent to the church with plans for building a new edifice. Under Rev. Antoine’s tutelage and with God’s grace the church will always live its Motto: “A church with the heart of Christ striving to reach others. Luke 19:10.

Canaan Baptist Church today with the current Pastor for the last 15 years have made tremendous improvement in the areas of Evangelizing, Baptizing, Attendance, fellowship, and maturity level as a result of Bible study and Sunday school.

The worship service is intensified and spirit filled every Sunday with an average attendance of approximately 65.  Every now and then the attendance will increase because of special events and sometimes crises in people’s lives.

The Administrative team, which is called the Leadership Team is made up of the Pastor, Ministers, Deacons and Deaconess, leaders from every auxiliary in the church, Finance Secretary and Treasurer. This team has been given the responsibility and accountability over the operation of the church, with each person reporting specifically on his or her role and duties.   The budget is part of this team responsibility as well.  In order to make ends meet, volunteers and special fund raising plays a big role in helping the church to operate in the community to meet the necessary need as much as possible.

Every church needs to see a movement of God to keep hope alive, which keeps the church live and active.  When it appears that the only solution afforded at a particular time is to wait, do not lose heart or lose the opportunity to grow through the conflict and delays. A leader has to make the most of the time, spending time in personal spiritual formation and in being faithful to the tasks at hand. Evangelizing, preaching, teaching, visiting, and doing ministry. You have to keep doing what the calling of God demands. Trusting that God will work things out for the good.

According to Scripture found in Isaiah 40:31, those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Leading a church through revitalization takes risks. It requires time, patience, and a biblical ecclesiology. Jesus promised that He would not give up on the church. Therefore, we will not ever give up on the church as well. God asked Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?” His response was, “Lord God, only you know.” And God does know. So, commit to becoming a revitalization church.

God is asking us to do for the church what Ezekiel did for those dry bones, to give them life by speaking life to them. I’ve been called to see with the eyes of faith what God wants to accomplish through me and the church. I’ve been called by God to love these people and the ones who will come. I’ve been called to honor the memories of this church and cast a vision for a preferred future at the same time.

According to Scripture: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Col. 3:23-24