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"A church with the heart of Christ striving to reach others." Luke 19:10.

Words of Encouragement

Focusing On What Matters The Most

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2 NIV

As children of God, you should trust God completely! God is able to handle any problem or situation you might be experiencing today.

God is a healer in times of sickness! God is a deliverer when you’re in trouble, a provider when you’re in need, and a friend who sticks closer than a brother! God is everything you need today and forever more!

God says to trust him, cast all your cares on him and leave it there.

In the bible, Joseph, Daniel and Nehemiah served God by keeping their focus on him instead of their circumstances.

How do we set our minds on things above?

  1. Requires a changed mind.
  2. Make a choice to focus only on good things.
  3. Meditate daily on God’s word.
  4. Let love be your greatest focus.

There are benefits to focusing on God:

  1. You will find peace, joy, and happiness.
  2. You will develop a close relationship with God.
  3. You will grow spiritually and develop a positive outlook on life.
  4. You will be a better witness for Christ.
  5. It will help you to resist temptations.

No matter how you choose to focus on God, the important thing is to that you make the effort to do so regularly.

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